Living Waters

Working through my photos today and came across this one.
It just spoke “Refreshing!” all over it.

I took this photo on a walk along the Rogue River while visiting my brother in Oregon. I have always loved the ocean, but going through all of these photos, I am falling deeper in love with rivers. I actually live in a town that is referred to as “The River City.” As much as I love having two big rivers running through my city, I can’t say that I’ve ever walked along them just to take in their beauty. So, I’m adding that to my list of things to do this weekend.

What about you? Do you love oceans, rivers, or lakes?
…or, all of the above?


Living Water

Thirst No More


I took this shot, over the weekend, on a walk along the Rogue River. Rays of sunshine were pouring in through the trees and bouncing off of the water. I’ve never been successful at capturing rays, so I’m delighted with how it turned out. This was the scripture that came to mind as I really took it all in. No need for me to add anything further.


Thirst No More


Light For My Path

Today I’m going through my old photographs and figuring out ways to use them. I am seriously so far from being a true photographer, but I have such a love for the art. In my mind, when I take a picture, I think it’s going to look how a professional photographer’s does. I have a really nice camera, so I can play the part. But it often ends up looking drab and boring.

However, I do have a knack for putting words into what is drab and perking it up a bit. I suppose it comes from having this annoying perspective that every cloud has its silver lining.

But isn’t that the way we have to survive this journey we’re on? Life really is about perspective. Even when the sun is shining outside our window, there can still be such an air of darkness as we encounter the various obstacles that are constantly thrown at us.

I recently had such an obstacle thrown my direction when my job of 17-years was eliminated. Just like that…my life changed in a moment. I didn’t expect it to knock me down as it did, but wow…it was a punch in the gut. But even in those moments, I was clinging to what good would come from this; the lessons I’d be able to glean from the experience, and the compassion my heart would now have for others. I knew – always knew – that God would somehow use this. Survival of the fittest is the hope-filled heart.

So here’s a photo I’ve been working on; taking an odd, dark and dreary photo and seeking Him for the words to speak into it.

Beauty from the ashes, friends. That’s what He’ll do when a sincere heart seeks Him out. He really will light our paths.


Light For My Path

Mirror Images

I visited this amazing lake last weekend. History says it’s the location of Mount Mazama, a 12,000 foot volcano that collapsed. There are no rivers flowing in or out, so there are no fish living in it. Rain and snowfall are what keeps this lake filled. I was mesmerized by the sheer beauty of it, and the crystal clear mirror image reflected off the glass-like surface. It’s almost hypnotizing as you look for the line between the image and the beautiful life that lives above it.

As I’m sitting here looking through my photos, I can’t help but think about that mirror image, and it makes me think about my own mirror image of my life…of my heart. It made me stop and ask myself, “What is the image reflected from me?”

I’m only human, so I have those days where grumbling stumbles in and finds a place to live for a moment inside of me. Let’s face it, we are constantly tossed about from day-to-day; jumping over hurdles, and dodging obstacles that are thrown our way. It can become frustrating and overwhelming. But if I linger in those moments and allow them to take up residence for too long…what does that do to my reflection? And what is my reflection telling those around me about the condition of my heart? Ugh…that’s not the imagine I want reflecting off of me.

I mean, what does that tell people about my relationship with God? How can I speak about His love and grace when my reflections says something completely different? Obstacles, frustrations and hurdles WILL come my way. That is a sure thing. But I want to keep my focus so deeply rooted in Him that my reflection is one of a hope-filled heart that reflects the beauty of God.

I’m not talking about something fake…like sweeping things under the carpet and putting on a false smile. I’m talking about keeping Him out in front of me, relying on Him in all of my times of need, picking up my Life Manual and allowing it to breath everything I need right into my heart. I want an image that reflects peace, faith and confidence because of my dependence in Him.

If you’re feeling drained and stagnant, I would encourage you to look at your own spiritual image of your heart. Get yourself back on the straight and narrow by spending time with God. Allow Him residence in your heart so He can breath life back into you – and then, just watch your reflection shine.


Mirror Images